Faculty of Philosophy, Religion and International Leadership

Department of Philosophy and Religion

The Faculty of Philosophy and Religion brings together areas of study that are crucial to understanding every part of life: politics, economics, the arts, law, medicine, technology, the environment, cultures past and present and around the globe. We bring ethical analysis, the study of religion, and philosophical methods to bear on complex social, political and environmental issues to improve understanding and contribute to solutions.

Senior Prof. Dr Lakshman Madurasinghe MSc., PhD., ThD., LLD.,D Litt., Attorney-at-Law; Behavioural Scientist Academic Board Member EDU Brussels Senior Professor Azteca University, North America, Scholar of Comparative Religions, Archbishop, Head of Judicial and Archbishops’ Council in the Global Synod.


Master of Arts in Philosophy

The program covers most of the major areas of philosophy, from a mainly analytic perspective. Courses related to the major periods in the history of philosophy are also taught. Candidates who have a four-year Bachelor of Arts degree can take the Master’s degree in one year.

Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy

The PhD program in philosophy is organized primarily around the following areas of specialization:

  • Moral and Political Philosophy
  • Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Human Nature
  • History of Philosophy
Regularly offered elective courses include courses in the Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Religion, Empiricism, Rationalism, Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Science, Social Philosophy, and Political Philosophy.

BA, B Th, MA, M Th and doctoral degrees in religion and theology are offered by us in affiliation with the Synod of Global Apostolic Dioceses and churches USA and its members globally including Global Apostolic Diocese of Ceylon. The higher degree students will receive an accredited degree from fully accredited Azteca University, North America.

International Leadership Studies

we believe that everyone has the potential to make a difference. It is our goal to unlock the passions and strengths of our participants to help them become agents of change. Through diverse diploma programs leading to BBA and MBA you will develop the skills, mindsets and networks to make a positive impact.


The Department of Religious Studies offers graduate work in several study areas:

Buddhism  Primarily concerned with Theravada Buddhism, Buddhist literature in Chinese, Japanese, Sanskrit, Pali, and Tibetan; Modern and Contemporary Buddhism in Japan; Medieval Chinese Buddhism; Buddhist thought

Development of Buddhist Doctrines, Buddhist Literature, Buddhism and Problems of Philosophy, Early Buddhist Monastic Institutions, Abhidharma, Buddha in the Pali canon, The theory of dependent origination, The theory of anatta in early Buddhism, Empiricism and Buddhism, Buddhist theory of mind and Nibbana

East Asian Religions Primarily concerned with Taoist canonical literature; the construction of Shinto; Chinese science, alchemy and medicine; the New Religions of Japan; the relationship of Buddhism with indigenous East Asian traditions (Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto

Christianity Primarily concerned with the writings included in the New Testament, particularly the gospels, Pauline literature, Hebrews, and in the early Greek Church Fathers

Homiletics, Dispensations, Early Church History, Comparative Religions Eschatology, Tripartition of Man, Spiritual Gifts, Bibliology Introduction to Old Testament, Introduction to New Testament Marriage & Family, Apologetics, Systematic Theology, Doctrines, New Testament survey, NT Greek

Western Religious Thought Primarily concerned with the philosophy of religion, theology, and ethics (Islamic, Jewish, Christian, secular) in the classical and modern periods. Areas of specialization include patristic thought, the interrelations between philosophy and religion

Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of Religion is identified by a style of thinking and writing. Complementing ‘analytic’ approaches, the philosophy of religion draws upon literary devices; cultural, feminist or political theory; historical analysis; play and imagination; experimental forms of language; psychoanalysis; deconstruction and many others.  Students will engage with selected themes, issues and texts which may be drawn from such examples as Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and  Heidegger

Indian Religion and Philosophy The study will focus on religious and philosophical texts of the Hindu and Buddhists traditions. Texts may include the Rg Veda, Upanishads, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, or the Yoga Sutra from the Brahmanical/Hindu tradition, and the Nikayas, Vinaya, Jatakas, Lotus Sutra, from the Buddhist tradition. Alongside reading the primary sources, we will also focus about methods of interpretation such as text-historical criticism, hermeneutics, phenomenology, orientalism, and post-colonial theory.

Philosophy of Religion role of Africa in theory formation. Students who successfully complete this module will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the nature of religion as defined by leading theorists of religion, can demonstrate knowledge of, and critically assess, the linguistic, anthropological, sociological and psychological theories of religion, as well as the intersection of religion with phenomenological and critical theories of class, race and gender.

Academic Staff

Department of Philosophy and Religion

Prof.Chandima Wijebandara

Former Vice Chancellor
University of Sri Jayawardenapura
B.A. (Honours, First Class) University of Ceylon, 1968 Ph.D University of Lancaster (UK) 1973 D.Litt , Buddhist and Pali University Professional Certificate in English (Merit) University of Cambridge. Diploma in Counselling Psychology, Sri Jayewardenepura Professional: 1968 – 1980 University of Colombo 1980-1983 University of Kelaniya 1983 – 2007 University of Sri Jayewardenepura (retired as Professor of Pali and Buddhist Studies and Vice Chancellor) 2007- 2017 BRS/BL Graduate School, Singapore. 1989 -1990 Felowship, Commonwealth Universities,UK

Prof. Dr. Tatyana

Master of Psychology, Master of Oriental Medicine, Doctor of Alternative Medicine, Director of the International Center for the Health of the Bioplasmic Human Body, Knight of the Ecumenical Medical and Humanitarian Order Knights of St. John Jerusalem

DD, FICA, SD (USA), and PhD (USA). FOUNDER and CHAIRMAN AUGP Global Peace Foundation and Rector The American University Patriarch of the Synod of the Global Apostolic Diocese

Prof Dr. Dame Aspasia Peppa

New Testament Greek


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