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Know Us Better


Executive Summary

This International Organization formed in 1962 congruent to the policy objectives of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. In 1962 The WHO and UNICEF sponsored an International Conference in USSR at Alma Ata, at the University of Kazakhstan. The ALMA ATA DECLARATION defined a global strategy for public health and preventive medicine which epitomized as “HEALTH FOR ALL BY 2000 A.D.” This strategy entails the use of all available healing methods both Orthodox and Traditional and Medicina Alternativa was formed

as an international society under the guidelines of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, under the legal enactments of USSR in Alma Ata in 1962. Its membership was limited to those who attended that meeting. Delegates from 46 countries were represented. The first Chairman was Prof. V. Inyushin of the Department of Biophysics of the University of Kazakhstan in USSR. The co-chairman was Prof. Dr. Jos Schade, the celebrated neurologist from Holland.

Summary of Aims

To Advance

To advance the scientific study and professional practice of Medicines, by encouraging its development by promoting research, living high standards of professional ethics, competence, conduct, education, qualification and achievement among practitioners.

To Carry

To carry out the promotion and the dissemination of knowledge and philosophy of Medicines through local and International Meeting, lectures, seminars, workshops, reports, papers, discussions, publications and professional contacts.

To Encourage

To encourage a wide interest among the public and Medicines and all ancillary areas of knowledge and practice


His Excellency J. R.Jayewardene, former President of Sri Lanka, by Letter No. 196/1 of 25th March, 1988 recognized the Open International University for Complementary Medicines as a privately funded body and also kindly consented (in August 1989) to be the Honorary Patron of this University.

Medicina Alternativa

Celebrate 60 years

Established by Moscow Charter of 10 August 1975 amended on 10 January 2000 by President Medicina Alternativa citing and vesting -Medicina Alternativa affiliated to OIUCM in Sri Lanka. Thus MA continues to legally remain in SL as the only Medicina Alternativa vested with the power to issue higher degrees through its affiliate OIUCM. And we have been in operation continuously for over 60 years !!

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