+94 11 2715 706

Sugath Kotinkaduwa

CEO's Message

Many years have passed since our beloved Founder Prof.Dr.Sir Anton Jayasuriya passed away- but the legacy he left behind continues to flourish every day with new members, practitioners, and institutes connecting with us worldwide to further the cause of Complementary Medicines.

This institution has been recognized by the United Nations Charter of the University of Peace by the U.N. General Assembly Resolution No. 35of 1980. Recently we received the appreciation of Mr.Kofi Annan former Secretary General of United Nations praising Prof. Anton’s efforts in setting up Open International University. We are legally registered in Sri Lanka in several ways and operate to bring about teaching and promote medical tourism to our International students and clients.

Initially the centre was based at the Institute of Acupuncture at the Colombo South Government General Hospital, Kalubowila, Sri Lanka. Under the auspices, the various regional associations have instituted training courses, Symposia and World Congresses in all five continents and in over one hundred countries in the past fifty years.

In Dec 2015 we reconstituted the Board of Trustees of Medicina Trust with a long term plan and strategy, voting Hon. John Amaratunga as Patron, Prof.Lakshman Madurasinghe at the helm as InternationalPresidentand Chairman Board of Trustees, Mrs.Vino Mendis, Mr. Roshan Maddumage and myself as the five Trustees. The first Board meeting of Trustees and appointed Senators was held on 11 January 2016 in which the appointments to the Senate were ratified. In 2016, We have been making steady progress with the activities of the Institute and many new developments have taken place.

Preparations are being made to promote Medical tourism where people from all parts of the world could visit Sri Lanka to obtain Complementary Medicine based treatment in several leading towns, which as Medicina , we are privileged to provide and we are happy to have the support of the Sri Lanka government.

I look forward to seeing you in a few months in Sri Lanka for our annual congress. In the meantime, please connect with us for your training and for strengthening our existing bonds.

Mr. Sugath Kotinkaduwa

B.Sc (Management), MBA

CEO and Trustee Medicina-Alternativa

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