There have been many years since I met our Dearest Sir Anton. <br
I still remember the discussions we have done as to how could we help people living healthy and have a decent life.
With the new UN Sustainable Development Goals-SDG’s just declared, we now have a fresh window of opportunity to join hands in a greater concerted effort to improve health and wellbeing using tried and tested integrative therapeutic forms.
By that time, I told him that he would have my full support, in every way, in order to accomplish his aim for the Good of Humanity.
Since then, I keep working on this Holy Purpose and I will keep on fully supporting his Work, by overcoming all the difficulties, with a spirit of Love, Unity and Creative Action.
I have been, I am still and I will be supporting and protecting that wonderful effort .
I wish this new Start to be in consistency with Sir Anton Ecumenical Work and I believe that will overcome difficulties, that may possibly arise, with Love, Unity and Creative Action, for the Good of Humanity.